Intention 1: Key Skills
To ensure that all our children receive the very best education that we can provide by equipping all children will the necessary skills in reading, writing and mathematics to succeed.
We have:
· A culture of high expectations from all and for all.
· Inspiring and skilled teachers and teaching assistants across the school.
·A well sequenced curriculum across all subjects which outlines what children should know and be able to do at each stage of their education. Teachers adapt their teaching and learning experiences to meet the needs of their children.
· Assessment systems which enable us to ensure all children make positive progress.
· Enthusiastic children who are keen to do well and have excellent attitudes to learning.
· Knowledgeable and dynamic subject leaders who monitor and develop their subjects.
· An appreciation of the fundamental importance of reading.
· Knowledgeable support staff who deliver targeted support across the curriculum.
Intention 2: Global Citizenship
For our children to be responsible global citizens who respect and value diversity, different cultures and beliefs. Global citizens are socially aware, challenge stereotypes and are committed to making their world a more sustainable and equitable place.
At Dallas Road, we serve a culturally diverse community. Our curriculum aims to reflect the diversity of our school population. We see this as being a true strength of the school that facilitates learning about the wider world. We believe Dallas Road has a critical role to play in educating our pupils to be global citizens where we prepare them for their futures in an increasingly globalised and interconnected world.
We have:
· A carefully planned and sequenced scheme of work for all subjects which shows progression in knowledge and skills.
· An outward looking curriculum with many opportunities to focus on understanding cultures and life in other countries.
· RE sessions and Assemblies which are carefully planned to promote respect and knowledge as well as giving time for reflection and questioning.
· The intention to recognise and celebrate a range of festivals and special events.
· Visitors coming into school who help to support our curriculum.
· Lots of opportunities to take our children out on visits for first hand real experiences.
· Children who can actively engage in activities to bring about positive social change.
· Opportunities for children to be part of the school’s different pupil committees (e.g. Eco)
· A curriculum embedded with the achievements of individuals from diverse backgrounds, across disciplines and through history.
Intention 3: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
For our children to understand how to be fit and healthy in both body and mind and to understand why it is important.
We believe having a healthy mind and healthy body is fundamental and we aim to give our children a curriculum which promotes both of these aspects. It is important to be able to talk about mental and physical health and our aim is that our children are able to do this with confidence.
We have:
· A progressive scheme of work for PE which is designed to deliver high quality lessons.
· A 'run a mile' initiative which is actively promoted.
· Planned active lunch and playtimes.
· A wide variety of physically active extra-curricular clubs.
· Teams that enter a wide variety of competitions and sports events.
· A culture that celebrates physical achievement and promotes it daily across the school in classrooms and assemblies.
· Carefully planned PSHE, DT and science curriculums which promote and support the aim.
· Used our PE funding to develop high quality provision across the school.
· A well trained and knowledgeable pastoral team.
· Access to high quality development of the fundamental basic PE skills in the EYFS.
· Five ways pupils are encouraged to improve their emotional health and well-being:
Intention 4: Creativity
For our children to experience, develop and practise creativity as an entitlement. Our understanding of creativity extends beyond making and doing in an artistic sense, and also includes the development of fluency of knowledge, problem solving and ideas through interpretation, experimentation, connection and play.
We have:
· Progressive schemes of work for all subjects incorporating opportunities for children to respond creatively.
· Subjects which are enquiry led prompting children to reflect creatively and experience problem solving routinely.
·An aim to develop children’s ability to solve problems by applying their knowledge to new situations.
· Children who are encouraged to find alternative ways to an answer and who have their ideas listened to.
· A commitment to high quality music and arts provision. Music is taught by a specialist teacher and the school regularly showcases the children's work in music, art, dance and drama.
· Opportunities for children to work alongside creative professionals and incorporate this enrichment into and beyond the school’s curriculum.
Intention 5: Communication
For our children to develop the necessary skills to communicate effectively their thoughts, ideas and feelings as well as knowing how to speak and listen with respect in a variety of different situations and contexts. Our children should be confident communicators equipped to succeed both now and in the future.
We have:
· Language rich environments.
· Explicit mapping and teaching of subject specific vocabulary.
· Staff who are aware of and employ effective questioning techniques.
· Quality talk and speaking frames used during lessons.
· Talk partners and frequent opportunities to work in a group or pair.
· Opportunities to take part in whole class discussions or debates.
· Planned opportunities to communicate to a range of different audiences (e.g. 1 to 1, class, assembly).
· High quality texts throughout the English curriculum.
· Opportunities for pupils to be part of a pupil committee which will enhance the opportunities and need for them to be effective communicators.
Intention 6: Community
For our children to understand and value the communities to which they belong, to appreciate what they have to offer, and to be of service to their communities, shaping futures.
We have:
· A cohesive school community that includes all stakeholders.
· The intention to support children’s understanding of our local community which is frequently used to inspire pupils by drawing upon the rich resources of Lancaster and surrounding area.
· Local history which is valued and studied, along with other religious, cultural, geographical and business links.
· The intention to explore how our school community, local community and wider community are important to us.
· Aims to develop and nurture links with other organisations within the local community.
· Children who are guided to develop a sense of responsibility for their own local environment, understanding how they can support, influence and change it.
Intention 7: Values
For our children to be equipped with an understanding of the school’s core values, thereby developing knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to develop as reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and happy individuals.
We have:
· An established set of school values has been decided with contributions from all stakeholders.
· Values-based Education which provides a structure for a positive ethos that impacts on the whole school community. It has a direct influence on the entire curriculum, and most specifically on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and the teaching of British Values.
· School assemblies and lessons which focus on the values progressively so that pupils deepen and challenge their understanding.
· Values which are a means of supporting the school’s PSHE curriculum. Pupils at a values-based school find PSHE accessible and enjoyable because of their well-developed ethical vocabulary and reasoning skills.
·Class expectations which are decided with the children: the expectations are then real and meaningful for the children.
· Opportunities to discuss values throughout the curriculum.
· Staff who live the values: we teach best by being role models